Anwar: Visit to Central Asia to generate potential trade, investment exceeding RM2.1 bln

KUALA LUMPUR (May 20): Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s visit to the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan has successfully generated investments and trade potential of at least RM2.1 billion, which will benefit Malaysia’s economic growth.

“Overall, I am satisfied with the results of this visit which has opened a new chapter in relations between Malaysia and countries in Central Asia,” Anwar said on his official Facebook page yesterday.

He began his visit to Kyrgyzstan on May 14, followed by Kazakhstan on May 16, and Uzbekistan was the last leg of the trip.

Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are landlocked countries.

Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world and is bordered by Russia to the north, the Caspian Sea to the southwest; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to the south, and China to the east. All three were previously part of the Soviet Union.

“My official visit to Uzbekistan has successfully raised bilateral relations, investment, trade and Malaysia-Uzbekistan cooperation to a higher level, with export potential of at least RM710 million,” Anwar said.

Anwar, who is also Finance Minister said he lunched with Uzbekistan’s First Deputy Prime Minister Achilbay Jumaniyazovich Ramatov and other leaders not far from the Kalon Minaret Complex before departing for Malaysia.

Before leaving for the airport, the Uzbekistan leadership presented a special traditional wear for the highest leader of Bukhara known as the Chapan Bukhara.

“Achilbay and the adviser to Uzbekistan President Muzaffar Komilov then accompanied me and the Malaysian delegation to Bukhara International Airport,” Anwar said.

“I expressed my highest appreciation for the extraordinary hospitality during our stay in Uzbekistan since last Friday. It is heartbreaking to step away from Uzbekistan after establishing a close relationship although it was only for a short period.”

The Prime Minister said he greatly appreciates the friendship he has established with President Shavkat (Mirziyoyev).

“Thank you for the sincerity extended throughout our meeting and discussion.”

– Bernama

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