Cuba: Havana University hosts International Human Rights Congress
HAVANA, Dec 8 (NNN-ACN) — With the attendance of Law experts and representatives of agencies supporting sustainable development and fair peace in Cuba and the World, the Aula Magna of the University of Havana hosted the opening of the 6th International Congress on Human Rights.
The opening ceremony was attended by Cuban Vice-president Salvador Valdes and Justice Minister Oscar Manel Silvera, as well as University Rector Miriam Nicado.
Law professor Yuri Perez said that the forum promotes critical analysis and scientific debate on the recognition and protection of human rights as pillars of democracy.
Seventy five years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed, the ideals of freedom, justice, peace, equity and equality are still criteria legitimating political power and foundations of society, said the professor and noted that such precepts lead to reject and condemn war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine.
The congress will become a platform to support the cause of the Palestinian people, who have been under constant bombing by Israel since October, he said.
Deputy Foreign Minister Elio Rodriguez said that in previous occasions this meeting has allowed to learn why the US economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba has become a flagrant violation of the Cuban people’s human rights.