European Countries’ Recognition Of Palestinian State Deepens U.S. Isolation

European Countries’ Recognition Of Palestinian State Deepens U.S. Isolation

RAMALLAH, May 25 (NNN-XINHUA) – The widely-applauded decisions by Norway, Ireland and Spain, to recognise Palestine as a state, show that more countries now stand on the side of justice over the issue, leaving the United States increasingly isolated.

Palestinians have long craved statehood. Back in 1988, the Palestine National Council meeting in Algiers, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Palestine. By now, some 140 countries have recognised a Palestinian state. In stark contrast, most Western nations are not among them.

Going against the global trend, Western countries, the United States in particular, have repeatedly let the Palestinians down. In 2011 and again this year, the United States vetoed the full membership of Palestine in the United Nations, blocking the way to a Palestinian state.

The injustice, long suffered by the Palestinian people, still has yet to be redressed, thereby becoming the root cause of the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts. While the fundamental two-state solution remains elusive, the fallout is disastrous. Since the start of the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict in Oct, last year, the Palestinian death toll has surpassed 35,000, while the Israeli death toll from Hamas’s surprise attack on Oct 7, stands at 1,139, according to media reports.

The Palestinian question is at the heart of the Middle East issue, and matters to the region’s peace and stability, global equity and justice. It has been the strong call of the international community and the common responsibility of all parties, to support and advance the process of Palestine’s independent statehood, so as to facilitate lasting peace in the Middle East.

“We believe that recognition will contribute to peace and reconciliation in the Middle East. It is a statement of unequivocal support for a two-state solution – the only credible path to peace and security for Israel, for Palestine and for their peoples,” Irish Prime Minister, Simon Harris, said.

Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, for his part, also noted that Spain recognises Palestine “for peace, for justice, and for consistency,” urging both parties to engage in dialogue to achieve a two-state solution.

“There will be no peace in the Middle East without a two-state solution. And there can be no two-state solution without a Palestinian state. In other words, a Palestinian state is a prerequisite for achieving peace in the Middle East,” said Norwegian Prime Minister, Jonas Gahr Store.

Earlier this month, a UN General Assembly emergency special session adopted by an overwhelming majority, a resolution to reaffirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to an independent State of Palestine, which is qualified for full membership in the United Nations. It recommended that the Security Council reconsider in favour of its application to join the UN.

The three European countries’ positive move is deemed a solid step towards Palestinians’ statehood, as it may encourage other countries, not least those in the West, to take similar steps. “Recognition is a tangible step towards a viable political track, leading to Palestinian self-determination,” said Hugh Lovatt, a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

The announcements made clear the view in a growing number of capitals that, Palestinian sovereignty cannot wait for a permanent peace deal with Israel, The New York Times pointed out.

Perhaps most significant is how the new recognitions point to the erosion of U.S. “ownership” of the Israel-Palestine peace process, since the period of Oslo peace talks and agreement, commented British daily, The Guardian.

Despite the progress, the way towards an independent statehood is riddled with hurdles erected by the United States. The U.S. government on Wednesday pushed back on the decisions by Norway, Ireland and Spain, saying that, Palestinian statehood should not be realised through “unilateral recognition.” Though claiming to support the two-state solution, Washington has, as always, actually conducted itself with duplicity.

Turning a deaf ear to the just call from the international community, Washington has talked about the need for a ceasefire, while pouring thousands of weapons into Israel, and talked about aid, while creating obstacles for humanitarian access. Disgraceful is a double-dealer as such.

A glimmer of hope is desperately needed, and an immediate and durable ceasefire in Gaza should be prioritised, though not as easy as it has already shown. As the negotiations continue, relevant countries need to demonstrate political courage, heed the call of the international community, bear in mind the fundamental interests of people in the region, and take concrete actions to support the two-state solution.


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