Five steps to identify the cause of power supply interruption

In an effort to speed up the supply recovery process, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is advising users to practice five easy steps to identify whether the cause of power disruptions is due to faulty wiring at their premises.

These easy steps allow users to know whether their internal wiring is in good condition or not. Users are advised to call TNB only after they have found out that the supply disruption is due to TNB’s System as this will allow effective and faster restoration of supply by TNB technical teams.

Based on a review of power supply disruption cases during the festive season, it is estimated that 60% of disruptions were caused by internal faults in users’ wiring.

Before contacting TNB CareLine at 15454 or via PM (Private Message) Facebook TNB CareLine, users are encouraged to first check if their nearest neighbours still have electricity. If only your premises are without electricity, here are the DIY (do-it-yourself) steps you can take to identify the cause and overcome it.

As a safety measure, make sure you do not handle the switch with wet hands and ensure that you wear shoes or rubber slippers when handling the RCCB switch.

For more information on safety tips, users can visit

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Abd Rahman Kamarudin
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