Indonesia Denounces Israel For Labelling Refugee Agency As Terrorist Organisation

JAKARTA, Jun 6 (NNN-ANTARA) – Indonesia strongly denounced Israel’s decision to label the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), as a terrorist organisation, through a bill approved by the regime’s parliament, said Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, yesterday.

“Israel is trying to systematically weaken UNRWA by this labelling,” Marsudi said.

Marsudi emphasised that, Israel’s earlier charge, which was later found to be unfounded, after an investigation, alleged that the UNRWA employees were involved in the attack on Oct 7. Donor countries temporarily stopped providing funding to the agency as a result of this charge.

According to Marsudi, Israel’s systematic weakening of the agency aims to erase the issue of Palestinian refugees, forcing them to remain in host countries without hope of returning to their homeland.

Marsudi added that, this weakening is consistent with the regime’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu’s attempts to undermine the idea of a two-state solution, and continue his attacks on Palestine.


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