Learn to value what counts
By: Nahrizul Adib Kadri
These days, with endless decision-makings and distractions in our lives, it’s easy to lose sight of what really counts. With every scroll, tap, and notification, we’re offered an endless list of shiny distractions calling for our attention. But not everything deserves our time, our energy, or our heart, you see? Yes, some things enrich us, nourish our souls, and leave a lasting impact.
But others? They simply fill up the time needlessly.
When it comes down to it, there are very few things that actually count in life. Spending time with loved ones, showing kindness to others, nurturing our children with real, genuine values—these are the things that add meaning to our lives. Yet, often, we let these essentials slip by while we chase after fleeting trends or trivial indulgences. And while there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the occasional Netflix binge or indulging in social media updates, mistaking them for true substance is where the trouble lies.
Think about how much time we spend on things that are, at best, trivial. The latest movie, the trending news, or what someone’s wearing in an Instagram post—all are distractions that often fill the spaces in our lives without truly adding to them. Yes, it’s fun to see the latest blockbuster or keep up with our favourite Netflix show, but it’s when these things start to replace what’s truly important that we need to step back and re-evaluate. Because when we let these distractions dominate our lives, they rob us of the richness of real connections and experiences.
Jalaludin Rumi once said, “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” True passion, real connection, and things of substance don’t demand our attention—they gently pull us in, showing us what matters without the need for flash and spectacle. It’s in these quiet pulls of love, kindness, and purpose that we find the true value in life.
Let’s look at the simple act of volunteering. On the surface, it may not seem like much—just a few hours of your time to help those in need. But in that act, you’re choosing to invest in humanity, to care for others, and to make a difference that will ripple through lives you may never fully see. Sadina Suffian, the COO of Team Selangor, the community outreach outfit under the Selangor MB’s office, says, “Volunteering is one of the few things that genuinely connects us as humans. It reminds us of the value of selflessness, of putting others before ourselves, even if just for a moment.” She’s right—volunteering is a powerful example of a choice that adds meaning and depth to our lives, one that truly counts.
In contrast, imagine spending that same time endlessly browsing through social media, caught in a cycle of comparing your life to others. Yes, social media has its place, but how often do we find ourselves sinking into it, only to leave feeling less satisfied and even a little empty? It’s a distraction that demands more from us than it gives back, whereas volunteering fills you up with the kind of connection and gratitude that has a real impact.
Nurturing our children, too, holds immeasurable importance. It’s not about the labels on their clothes or the gadgets they have; it’s about instilling values, teaching them kindness, patience, and respect. These are the things that shape a child’s character and stay long after they’ve grown. Yet, many of us can get caught up in the noise of status symbols, forgetting that what they truly need from us is far simpler—and far more lasting. Children are not impressed by designer tags; they are shaped by the love and time we invest in them.
This doesn’t mean that life has to be all work and no play. There’s joy to be found in the lighter, simpler things. Watching a movie on Netflix, listening to music on Spotify, sharing a laugh over a silly meme on our social media feed—these can all bring us joy. But they should be the decorations on the tree of our lives, not the roots.
When we mistake the trivia for the important, we risk losing touch with the things that really count.
Living a life filled with what matters most requires intention. We have to ask ourselves, “What do I want to give my time to? What adds real value to my life?” If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ll often find that the things we value most don’t need any extra polish or glamor. They’re quiet, steady, and deeply fulfilling. They leave us feeling connected, enriched, and grateful.
So, as we move through each day, let’s pause and take stock. Let’s choose to spend more time with our loved ones, to listen, to care, and to be present. Let’s opt to invest in experiences that enrich our souls and create memories, rather than chasing after the latest trends. Let’s remember that a life of meaning isn’t built on a collection of fleeting moments, but on the things that truly matter, the moments that fill our lives with purpose and connection.
In the end, a meaningful life is about making choices that count.
Ir. Dr. Nahrizul Adib Kadri is an associate professor of biomedical engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, and the Principal of Ibnu Sina Residential College, Universiti Malaya. He may be reached at [email protected]