Quito breaks Guinness World Record: 6,775 people drawing the capital city
Once the Guinness World Record organisation had checked the documents and data from the event in Quito, it came to the following conclusion: Quito is the new Guinness World Record holder for “the largest number of people gathered in one place, all drawing an image of Quito for the world to see”. On recording the total participation at 6,775 people, Natalia Ramirez Talero, representative of the awards body, gave the official announcement.
The city is grateful to the estimated 10,000 people who gathered in the city and created a heart in the Parque Bicentenario (Bicentennial Park) to break the record. Their support and for sharing this triumph for the capital of Ecuador represents the first step in the construction of the City Brand.
The Mayor of Quito, Pabel Muñoz, highlighted the importance of once more feeling proud of their birthplace, of the place their parents grew up, and where their grandparents worked. “Let the heart tell the hand what to draw of Quito. In my drawing, I illustrated the joy of Quito’s children. Know that you live in the most beautiful city in the world,” said the Mayor, highlighting that in uncertain and challenging times, the capital tries to shine “a light” to restore its people’s spirits.
Guinness World Records staff were on hand to endorse and supervise the event ensuring participants met the necessary criteria. To be counted, people had to register beforehand, attend the Bicentennial Park, and draw Quito on the card following these guidelines. Each drawing had to go inside a big heart on the card, divided into two sections. Participants had to draw the clouds and sun from the Quito sky in the upper part, and below them, express what Quito meant for each of them. Only drawings were allowed, no letters or numbers. Nor could the drawing go outside the border of the heart. Participants had five minutes to complete it.
The panel of judges was made up of the following: Natalia Ramírez Talero, Guinness World Record representative; Víctor Purcachi, expert witness in the arts from the Central University of Ecuador; Joao Fiol Casañas, expert witness timekeeper from the Higher Technological Institute ITECSUR; Angélica Herrera, expert witness timekeeper from the Higher Technological Institute ITECSUR; and Jorge Vásconez, general witness from the Higher Technological Institute ITECSUR.
The previous record was held, until Friday 25 October, by the Chinese province of Jiangxi, who in October 2019 managed to reunite 4,173 people drawing simultaneously.
Public and private institutions and academia collaborated to manage the event, while Empresa Pública Quito Turismo promoted the event as part of its national and international tourism promotion campaign.
The Quito Brand
This event, which provided the opportunity for citizens to participate in designing the Quito brand was attended by young people from educational institutions and older adults from the San José Patronage programme.
Building the City Brand is key to projecting a strong national and international image of Quito. It solidifies the sense of identity among Quito residents and positions the capital as an attractive destination for tourism, investment, and culture. Around 180 university students were on hand to oversee the record attempt.
“It has nothing to do with institutional branding, this represents the City’s identity. This helps to provide a national and international platform for the city of Quito” claimed Etzon Romo, manager of the Quito tourist board.
Three phases make up this initiative. The first step took place on 25 October with widespread participation and the achievement of a Guinness World Record. Secondly, the design will be created with support from the universities and through round-table discussions, looking at all entries provided by all those who drew Quito. The final step is to launch the brand, scheduled for the upcoming holidays in Quito (5 and 6 December).