Russian Ambassador Says U.S. Sanctions Pose Major Obstacle To Syria’s Rebuilding

Russian Ambassador Says U.S. Sanctions Pose Major Obstacle To Syria’s Rebuilding

DAMASCUS, Jun 12 (NNN-SANA) – Russian Ambassador to Syria, Alexander Efimov, said yesterday that, the U.S. sanctions on Syria are posing a major obstacle in the war-torn country’s reconstruction.

In remarks to the local online al-Watan newspaper, Efimov hailed the recent restoration of relations between Syria and other Arab countries, mainly Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, but said, the economic cooperation is stranded by the persistent U.S. sanctions.

“These sanctions still constitute a major obstacle to the full participation of the countries of the region, in the reconstruction of Syria,” he said, calling on the West to lift all “illegal measures of financial pressure and extortion.”

The ambassador said, he hoped other countries in the Middle East help stop the “inhuman policy” as soon as possible.


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