Arab League Strongly Condemns Israeli Airstrikes On Gaza Strip

Arab League Strongly Condemns Israeli Airstrikes On Gaza Strip

CAIRO, May 11 (NNN-MENA) – The Arab League (AL), strongly denounced the Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, yesterday. The AL said in a statement that, “the Israeli attacks hit residential areas, killing women and children, while they were sleeping safely in their homes.”

The statement reaffirmed that the Palestinian cause is central for the Arab nations, and boosting the rights of the Palestinian people is inalienable.

It also condemned the wide-scale Israeli operations against the Palestinians, in their cities and camps, calling on the United Nations Security Council, to maintain peace and security and to pressure Israel to stop the airstrikes.

The AL called on the international community, to urge Israel to allow the fact-finding mission, mandated by the Human Rights Council to investigate the Israeli operations on the Palestinian territories.

On Tuesday, Israeli fighter jets and unmanned drones carried out simultaneous and surprise attacks at buildings, housing senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) military leaders in Gaza, killing at least 21 Palestinians and injuring 64, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, yesterday.


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