Australia Hydrogen Headstart and National Hydrogen Strategy Review: have your say

The Government is now inviting stakeholder feedback on two important initiatives in positioning Australia as a global leader in hydrogen: the Hydrogen Headstart Program and the National Hydrogen Strategy Review.

The $2 billion Hydrogen Headstart program will support large-scale renewable hydrogen projects in Australia.

We are designing Headstart with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. Headstart aims to take advantage of hydrogen’s immense job and investment potential by:

  • accelerate the development of Australia’s hydrogen industry
  • catalyse clean energy industries
  • help Australia connect to new global hydrogen supply chains.

The Australian Government is now seeking feedback from stakeholders on the design of the competitive process to select large scale, Australian-based projects producing renewable hydrogen.

Stakeholders can provide submissions to the Hydrogen Headstart consultation process via our Have your say portal by 3 August 2023.

The Government is also leading a Review of the National Hydrogen Strategy.

Australia’s first National Hydrogen Strategy contained 57 actions and principles outlining the initial steps Australia could take to develop a large scale hydrogen industry.

Australia has the foundations to be a global hydrogen leader, and there is a need to consider updated or additional actions to ensure we reach our potential.

The revised National Hydrogen Strategy will build upon the 2019 Strategy. It will focus on the role hydrogen technology needs to play for Australia to meet its commitments to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels by 2030.

Stakeholders can now provide submissions to the National Hydrogen Strategy Review consultation process via our Have your say portal by 18 August 2023.

Read more

We publish the State of Hydrogen report as part of delivering Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy

The Hydrogen Headstart program

See how we are growing Australia’s hydrogen industry

Read about Australia’s climate change strategies

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