Minister: Hydrogen as renewable energy source at prototype stage

Minister: Hydrogen as renewable energy source at prototype stage

TANJUNG MALIM,. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Mosti) is currently at the prototype stage in the study of making hydrogen a renewable energy source for the country.

Its minister Chang Lih Kang said his ministry is committed to providing technical aspects in making hydrogen a new source of energy in the country’s efforts to transition to renewable energy for electricity generation.

“Yes, we at MOSTI provide support in technical and scientific terms for the government’s efforts in finding renewable energy, for example hydrogen as an alternative energy source.

“It will help to deal with the effects of climate change including reducing carbon emissions,” he said when met by reporters at the Tanjung Malim parliamentary constituency Aidilfitri celebration here today.

Meanwhile, Chang, who is also the Member of Parliament for Tanjung Malim, said Mosti is also committed to applying science, technology and innovation (STI) to help guarantee the country’s food security.

It includes creating more weather-resistant plant seeds due to climate change, he said.

He said it was one of the main focuses of his ministry which included using the STI approach to solve the problems of the people and the country.


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