President Xi stresses advancing high-quality development of IT and Cyber Security sector

President Xi stresses advancing high-quality development of IT and Cyber Security sector

BEIJING, (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping has given important instructions on cyber security and information technology application work.

He pointed out that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the country has made remarkable achievements in the development of its cyber security and information technology applications.

The overall leadership of the Party has been strengthened over the internet and information technology sector, the mainstream public opinion in cyberspace has been consolidated and developed, a comprehensive internet governance system has been basically formed, and the capacity and system for safeguarding cyber security have been improving.

Xi added that China has accelerated the efforts to build self-reliance and strength in internet and information technology, the leading role of information technology as a driving force for development has been given full play, the rule of law in cyberspace has been constantly improved, a greater say in international affairs and influence in cyberspace has been gained and strengthened, making a new leap forward in building China into a country with strong cyber strength.

Xi stressed that as China embarks on a new journey in the new era, the role of the internet and information technology is becoming increasingly prominent.

Under the guidance of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the country must fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, and put into practice the CPC Central Committee’s important thought on building cyber strength.

It is imperative to undertake the missions of upholding socialism with Chinese characteristics and rallying public support, warding off risks and ensuring security, strengthening governance and benefiting people’s lives, nurturing growth momentum and boosting development, and seeking mutually-beneficial cooperation.

It is essential to uphold the Party’s leadership over the internet sector, adhere to the principle that internet and information technology must serve the interest of the people, take the path with Chinese characteristics for the management of the internet, and maintain good coordination between internet development and cyber security.

Spreading positive energy is the general requirement for internet development, effective regulation and management the guarantee for its prosperity, and masterful application of it the exhibition of excellent governance. Work must be done to forge a strong cyber security barrier and give full play to the role of information technology as a driving force for development.

It is imperative to govern cyberspace, run websites and apps, and carry out online activities according to the law.

Endeavors must be made to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace, and build a loyal, clean and responsible team in the internet and information technology sector.

Efforts must be made to promote the high-quality development of this sector, making new achievements in building China into a country with strong cyber strength, and thus making contributions to building a modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts.

The National Conference on Cyber Security and Information Technology Application was held in Beijing from July 14th to 15th.

Cai Qi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and a member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, attended the meeting and made a speech. Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended the meeting and conveyed Xi Jinping’s important instructions.

Cai Qi pointed out in his speech that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions clearly put forward the missions and tasks of the internet and information technology work, clarified the “ten principles to adhere to,” and made requirements for work in this sector.

He described Xi’s instructions as being of political, strategic and guiding importance, which have pointed out the direction for the work in this sector on the new journey in the new era. The instructions must be resolutely implemented, Cai said.

Cai stressed that strategic arrangements were made at the 20th CPC National Congress for the internet and information technology work, and it’s imperative to remain committed to our missions and tasks, make a division of them more detailed, and focus on implementation.

Positive publicity and guidance online must be strengthened, online risks in ideological domains must be guarded against, and effective comprehensive governance of cyberspace must be strengthened, so as to foster a sound online environment, and firmly exercise leadership over online ideological work.

We should implement the major strategies of cyberspace security and establish a security system of broad cyberspace by striking a balance between development and security, so as to consolidate the security barrier of China’s cyberspace.



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